Hi there,

Remember all those tips I shared about finding leads and growing your business? 

I’m just curious . . . .
Did any of them help you out with your email marketing efforts? 

Honestly, email marketing can be a tricky beast. 

You put in all this work crafting fantastic content, but then. . . crickets. 

That’s why I wanted to chat – about making your emails stand out even in a crowded inbox!  

Let’s face it –
Business is crowded,
Social media is noisy, &
Advertising is expensive.

But your emails? . .  . they can hit the bullseye, if  – they are delivered straight into the inbox.

Email marketing, when done right, can bring a 4200% ROI – which is much MORE than any other form of marketing, including social & paid!

Today I want to share with you the 4-Week Email Marketing Plan by BrandLoom that brought an additional $2,59,630 in March 2024 to an online learning startup with a monthly revenue of ~ $1 Million!

The Email Marketing Plan

WEEK 1. The Strategy Plan

Step 1 –  Set Goals: 

Together, we decided that they could achieve a 15-20% increase in sales and grow their subscriber list by 3-5% each month.

Step 2 –  Review Past Data: 

First, we looked at what emails had gotten the best results. 

For example, one thing we found was that discount offers on previous purchases drove higher engagement, so we suggested more of these . .

More than half a dozen such insights helped us create a new email content plan.

WEEK 2. Tailored Email Campaigns

Step 3 – Target The Right Audience: 

We used advanced segmentation techniques. 

For instance young professionals got emails about career development, while seasoned developers got specific programming language learning tracks.

Without segmentation, don’t expect great results.

Step 4 – Personalized Design: 

Next we designed emails that looked great on all devices. 

We chose colors and layouts that matched their brand, designs were simple and clean. We kept the text brief and on point. 

We also used images and videos, but only occasionally – to keep emails engaging without making them heavy. 

All this made their emails easy to read and interact with.

WEEK 3. Regular Optimization

Step 5 – Continuous Testing: 

We regularly tested things like which day of the week gets the most opens or whether a button or a link leads to more clicks.

This is really tedious, but necessary . . .

Step 6 – Performance Tracking: 

We kept an eye on how each email performed to adjust our plans – if, say, we find that videos in emails are doubling the click-through rate.

WEEK 4. Reporting & Strategy Adjustments

Step 7 – Monthly Reports: 

Finally, every month, we reported and discussed the numbers — how many people open them, how many click through, and how sales were impacted.

Step 8 – Refine Strategies: 

Based on this data, we increased or decreased our emails, rescheduled sending days & times, based on what was bringing higher engagement. 

We also tweaked or changed email content if certain types or topics lead to more sales. . . 

Steps 2-8, are to be repeated every month, until your numbers beat the industry average. 

And It can be done.
We have done it multiple times!

Whether it’s sales or lead generation, email marketing works – when there is a solid plan with tools and process behind it.

We can get similar results for you too. Call us to schedule a free consultation!

P.S. Curious for more? Check out our case studies at –

That’s it for today, thanks for reading.

Yours Sincerely,

Avinash founder of Brandloom

Avinash Chandra
Founder, BrandLoom Consulting
🌐  https://www.brandloom.com/
☎︎  +91-7669647020
📩  care@brandloom.com
💻  https://team.brandloom.com/book-a-meeting

Note: If you feel like talking, just hit reply on this mail. .
Our clients see at least a ~20% increase in revenue after implementing our strategies.

Avinash Chandra
Author Avinash Chandra

Branding, Integrated & Digital Marketing Wizard and Founder of BrandLoom Consulting (A $1m startup). I help companies generate more revenue through digital marketing. I have successfully led Business and Marketing operations of several Large & Small; American, European, Chinese & Indian Brands and Startups. In totality, I have worked with over 100 Brands during my 21 years of professional career with a proven track record of Building Sustainable & Profitable Businesses.

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