Amazon, Alibaba, eBay are getting better in their game of acquiring customers in existing and new markets globally though we still find several mistakes on eCommerce stores.
With the evolution of web ecosystem, changes are constant and eCommerce players are getting better at it, however in every market local challengers sprung up to challenge their supremacy. Needless to say winning online is not easy and marketers are applying every armoury they have to win through research and analysis. However BrandLoom found several mistakes on eCommerce stores. Below are our list of:
Top 10 frequently found mistakes on eCommerce Stores
- Product Range: Today customers are searching products online for reason beyond price. They are looking for wider assortment and confirmed product availability. Therefore it is imperative that if you enter a specific category you offer a wider assortment before jumping into another. At the same time categorise products for easy search by customer.
- Inventory Management: If you list a product, ensure that stocks are available and if not there is indication when it would be available. It is frustrating for a customer to find what she desire on your store and not able to buy it. Provide customers options to be notified when product is available on store. It is absolutely criminal to have products listed on store with Out of Stock remark.
- Internal Search Engine: However good may be your site, without search engine it is simply not good enough. Ensure that you have a good search Engine, prominently placed on every page.
- Specification: Ensure you provide easy to understand, customer friendly product specification so that consumer can take a quick decision.
- Price: Customers online are much more sensitive to price then offline, as it is available on click of a button. Therefore it is imperative that if you offer a specific product it should be competitively priced.
- Site Downtime: Not everyone can afford dedicated servers like Amazon does. Therefore, ensure that you use cloud services and ensure that there is no downtime of your site
- Loading Speed: Invest in good web-hosting service to ensure trigger-happy prospective customers have fast and smooth access to pages they want to see.
- Navigation: Ensure it is easy to navigate on your store and that your most frequently bought products are listed on front page and are highlighted. Make sure product categorisation is as per customer expectations.
- Transparency: If you are providing discounts and coupons to incentivise sales ensure that your customers can easily find it and apply it to their checkout kart. Customers feel cheated when they find about it after they have purchased.
- Poor product Images: Consumers trust you with their money just by looking at a picture of your product online, better the look of your product, higher are chances of it being sold. Provide customer opportunity to view bigger product image from various angle if they desire to do so.